SailorSams now offers free ground shipping for orders over $99!

To qualify for the free ground shipping your order must be:

  • Over $99 total, not including state sales tax (MI only)
  • Shipped to an address in the lower-48, contiguous United States
  • Shipped to ONE address (no split deliveries)
Some EXCLUSIONS apply due to the size and weight of certain items. Oversized packages and LTL shipments will not receive free shipping!

At, we make shipping simple:

  • We offer FedEx, UPS, and LTL delivery (products over 150 lbs.) - occasionally, very lightweight orders will ship USPS.
  • We provide a tracking number directly to you via e-mail upon shipping.  You may receive multiple tracking numbers if the items are shipping from different locations.
  • If an item is back-ordered, we usually have that noted on the product page.
  • If something unexpectedly gets placed on back-order we will attempt to contact you with options as soon as possible.  Just provide your accurate contact information!  We do NOT sell or give away your personal information.  At all.  Ever.

If you have any questions about Free Shipping, feel free to contact us by telephone or e-mail: